Sunday, June 19, 2016

Election 2016 Thoughts🤔

As I watched the movie "All the Way" last night, I was struck by how many things have not changed since the 1960's. Trying to make common sense laws that improve life for every American is still a hard sell.

We look back now and are shocked and cannot believe that there were people who fought against civil rights and the right to vote. The citizens and politicians that railed against these rights look ignorant and evil to us now. How could anyone have ever voted against these things?
Fast forward to 2016 and we are sliding backwards. Hate, intolerance and racial prejudice dominate the news and this  election.

Universal health care is unthinkable, how dare we consider health care a human right. What will the pharmaceutical and insurance companies do if they can't rob us in order to pad their pockets and fund the politicians they control.

The NRA controls our elected leaders. No matter how many men, women and children die the only thing our politicians have to offer are useless platitudes. All of the thoughts and prayers in the world won't bring the dead back. Words are meaningless, and real action it seems is to big of a financial and political risk for them to take.

Our veterans proudly serve, only to be treated poorly when they come home. They put their lives on the line for us, they deserve the absolute best medical care and support when they return home.

Funding war after war has become more important than funding education for our young people.

Decades from now I hope my children look at this decade and feel as I did watching this today. Shocked that there were times such as these. That affordable education, universal health care and common sense gun control will be all they know.

I would hope that our leaders today would want to be remembered as good people who made a real difference, working for  us, not corporations, big banks and lobbyists.

The presidential candidate that has a plan to accomplish all of these things is Senator Bernie Sanders. The corporate media and the DNC have tried their damnedest to squash him, but good people everywhere see that he is our best hope for positive change.

Meaningful, real change has always required courage. Is the United States still a nation of, by and for the people ? It will take leaders who bravely stand up and say the status quo is not good enough, we can, we will, we must do better.

I'm Back🙆🏻

After a long break, I'm back !!!
A new blog post will be posted soon👍🏼

Friday, September 11, 2015

Remembering 9-11-2001

Fourteen years ago, I was at home, on sick leave recovering from a ruptured appendix. I remember watching the Today Show, seeing the nightmare unfold right in front of me. I was on a lot of pain medication, so it took me a while to get a grip on what was actually happening.

 At first I, like many others, thought a small plane had crashed into the first tower. Maybe it's a sad accident, the plane had trouble or something happened to the pilot.

I watched, horrified, as the second plane hit, now it was clear this was an attack. As the morning went on it just kept getting worse. The Pentagon, the crash in Pennsylvania, watching the towers fall...
The rest of the day was spent on the phone, updating friends & family at work. They had no access to TV  or radio, this was long before iPhones, so my calls kept them informed.  I had only horrible sad news to report.

The days and nights after this I watched the steel workers, police & firefighters, rescue dogs..all  hoping to save someone, anyone. The sound of the firefighters alert whistles in the background, that sound is something I will never forget. The people on the streets, crying and clutching pictures of loved ones, begging for help to find them...


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

American President; Who Wants To Live In The White House ??!!

I don't know about the rest of you, but for me the 2016 election is already wearing thin. It seems more like a scripted reality game show. The parade of candidates, and yes I am mostly referring to the GOP, are perfect for a reality show.

The American public has been fed a steady dose of mindless crap for so long. Now it appears that the candidates vying for a chance to "lead "us, are mostly ill mannered, rich and ridiculous.

If this is the mindset of the people, why bother with a traditional election ? A mix of 2 popular reality shows to decide on the next leader of the free world. Let's put them all in the same house, where we can watch them morning, noon and night. We'll watch their behavior, see what alliances they form to get ahead. They will have debates weekly on all topics.

Once a week we all go online or dial a 1-800 number to vote one out. It would be interesting to see who wins the White House Trophy.

 I would like to believe it would be the one most deserving. Someone with a good heart who honestly cares. Only one so far seems to fill that spot and it is Bernie Sanders...but he doesn't have the flash of the carnival barkers,the trash talkers or the foolish fanatics. You apparently need all of that and more to amuse and lure in the reality voters.

With the whole system being as corrupt as it is, it feels like it doesn't matter anyway.  Politics has nothing to do with what is in our best interest.  Decisions are bought and paid for, how we the citizens feel is not high on the list of concerns. The party system picks the 2 they choose, and then they let us think we're making the final decision. Pretty good directing and producing, because let's face it, it's been a game for a long time already.

In this reality game show the real losers will probably be us.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Me, my Dad and Cat Stevens.

Have you ever thought that life would be so much better with a soundtrack ? In a way my life has always had one, thanks to my Dad. I cannot remember a time without music surrounding me. We were exposed to every type, he loved them all. A small fortune was spent on hundreds of record albums, cassettes and reel to reel tapes.

The artist that my Dad turned to the most was Cat Stevens. The sounds of his music echo in my head whenever I think of my childhood, To be honest, especially as a snotty teenager, I complained about it. "Seriously Dad, can we play something else"!!! He would cave in for an hour or so and then back to Cat.

I remember sitting with him one night, and he asked me if I ever really listened to the words of the songs. There were important messages, images and inspiring words if you pay attention. So for the first time I really listened and I read the words to the songs off of the album sleeves. Songs of compassion, love and peace.

Looking back at it now I realize he found comfort in the music. During dark times it lifted him up and made good times even better. The pride he had when his oldest grandchild, my son, became a musician was beyond words. In his final years, suffering from dementia and heart disease he still followed my son's band on his computer, printing and saving every article and picture. When I called to tell him that "Peace Train" was added as one of their cover songs it meant the world to him.

It has been 10 years since he passed away, but I smile when I listen to "our" Cat, knowing dad is up there somewhere, "Leapin and hoppin' on a moonshadow".

Monday, April 27, 2015

America's Champion

  Like most of you, I watched the Diane Sawyer interview with Bruce Jenner on Friday night.  I can honestly say I have a new respect for him. He bared his soul in front of the world, and I was pleasantly surprised that, from what I saw on social media, I was not alone in my feelings.
  I remember, as a 70s kid, watching him compete and win Olympic Gold. His image was everywhere, and yes, I remember his face staring back at me from the Wheaties Cereal box at the breakfast table. Girls loved him and guys wanted to be like him. We put him up on a pedestal as America's champion.
  I couldn't help but remember someone in my own family who lived with a secret her entire life.  While not transgender, she was gay. She had a special woman in her life during the 50s and 60s, but sadly, because of society at the time, they hid what they felt for each other.  Eventually they went their separate ways. After spending years alone, she married and lived a life others found "acceptable".  I never once saw the look in her eyes and the joy on her face that I saw as a small child, watching her with the one person she should have been with. So sad and so wrong.

  Everyone should be able to live in their truth. A lot of folks have said "Why Now"? I say why not now, it's better late than never.  I hope his life from this point on will be the one he has always dreamed of, and that people in his life stay supportive.

  Bruce is back up on that pedestal now, and I am cheering him on !!!


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Game On

  I live on a very friendly street. People wave and look disappointed if you don't wave back. They mow each others lawns, shovel snow together, and drop in on each other constantly. Sounds perfect, right? I guess it is, if you like that sort of thing. I don't.
  For many years I lived in an old farmhouse. It was in the country and I had no neighbors. I could  sit on the front porch, lay out in the sun or take out the garbage without a single "Hi there,what's new?" it was awesome. After a divorce I bought this cute little house in town, a nice sized lot, a wooded backyard..and NEIGHBORS !!!
  What started out as me just wanting privacy, has really turned into a game. After 13 years in this house I have successfully avoided all of them and I don't want my streak to end. Sure, I smile and wave as I drive by them, I'm not a total jerk. It's not as hard as you would think either. If I do anything outside it's in the backyard. The neighbors closest to my house usually take off on the weekend, so that's when I work on my front yard. When I get home the garage door goes down as soon as I pull in. I noticed right away that if you don't, you will have visitors. It's kind of like the "bat signal", an alert goes out, up and down the street !  
  Ten years ago I married a social butterfly, a talker who fits right in, they all love him. I was worried this could spell doom for my plan, but he keeps it on the street or their driveways, where it belongs.
 Over the years I've even changed their names. My personal favorite is the old fella across the street, I call him Mandelbaum, after the Seinfeld character. The fake name really fits him though, this old dude runs, bikes, golfs and kayaks. "MANDELBAUM, MANDELBAUM, MANDELBAUM"!!!
  What caused this hermit like behavior?  I'm pretty sure it's from decades of working in customer service, When talking all day is part of your job, it's the last thing you want to do in your free time.       My home is my castle, I just wish it had a moat ! ;-)